Saturday, 6 January 2018

Relocation relocation relocation

Our 2018 adventure has dawned! Rather than travelling, this time we are moving to an apartment in Mallorca for three and a half months, while Jemima continues Reception Class in an English-speaking school that follows the English curriculum. We miss the worst of the English winter, and get the chance to explore this beautiful island around Jemima's continuing education (and social stimulation - she really needs kids to play with now). That's the plan, anyway! We'll see how it all works out...

Departure day: Thursday 4th January. So the run-up to Christmas was combined with pre-departure preparations (which was fairly stressful at times, if a complaint is allowed when so fortunate as to have such an adventure). Kevin, Jemima and I plus four hold bags, one cabin suitcase, plus hand luggage each, squeezed into the taxi: our biggest stash yet (as usual, I struggled with packing light, and without the dis-incentive of knowing I'd have to haul it around, I kept finding a corner in already full (and heavy) suitcases for just one more vital thing...). But we were lucky: Ryanair was busy, so our overweight suitcases were waved through without penalty. A pit stop at the seafood bar (a pre-flight tradition of Kevin and I that has continued since Jemima's arrival); a short and easy flight; and we'd arrived! And the sun was shining - a good start already.

Our apartment is in Portals Nous, a village with a marina ten minutes from the capital Palma. After a short drive, during which our taxi driver was entertained by the beginnings of Jemima's Spanish, from her one term at Spanish Club, we arrived. Las Terrazas is a modern complex of three apartment blocks staggered down the hill towards the sea; our apartment is on the second floor of the highest block. Clare met us with the keys, we man- and woman-handled the bags in, opened the door: and there it was, through the full-length windows of the open-plan sitting room: the sea glinting in the evening sun. Kevin had done an amazing job of finding us a modern, well-equipped place with a fabulous view, five minutes walk from the school. We'd arrived at our new home.

As per previous trips, my plan is to record our experiences here - as a diary for us, as much as anything. But it is likely that posts will be less frequent: with Jemima at school, our opportunity for adventures will be more limited (and therefore less blog-worthy...). So I have added a "follow us" button: if you'd like to keep in touch with our travels, add your email, and when I post something new, you will be alerted. Until the next time - or hasta la próxima vez!

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