Wednesday 9 January 2019

Settling in

A quiet couple of days getting back into the Mallorcan swing of things. For Kevin and I, a return to running around the marina; for Jemima, a return to school. 

Both (thankfully!) have been a success. Jemima was disappointed to find out that her best friend from last time, Guy, is no longer in the class. But the others were all very pleased to see her, and she is being kept busy: not only  the usual English, Maths and daily Spanish lessons, but weekly Catalan and French too! Plus ICT (she told me last night, “Mummy, do you know, things on the internet can be WRONG!”). 

Kevin left on Monday afternoon to fly back to England to collect his car. Before then, we took Jemima to school, went for a coffee in the marina, had our lovely run, had lunch in the English café (“back to Mallorca: coffee and a beer” says Kevin)... Apart from the fact Chameli’s is still closed for Christmas, things are very much back to normal.

And since then I have been working while Jemima’s been at school, alternating between the balcony (warmer outside in the sun than in our unheated flat!) and the English café. And she and I have had lovely, cosy evenings in.

And that’s it: all very easy. It’s like we never left.

First day back!

Morning on the beach 



Coffee and a beer

Off to school (sports uniform on a Tuesday...)

Working Mallorca-style

Sunrise and sunset from the balcony

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