Morning: lying in bed, playing in the playground (from which Jemima returned bloody, having fallen over - but she was fine quickly, just telling everyone we saw about the holes in her lip). Then a little trip to the supermarket, and barbecued steaks in the sunshine with - taking lessons from our former Italian camp mates, most of whom have gone home now, leaving the campsite quiet - red peppers and artichokes on the grill too; the former being delicious, the latter not really worth it, but maybe we did it wrong.

Then some visitors: I'd asked the friendly owner to find someone to fit our new DVD player, and two nice men arrived to sort it out. After some effort, they and Kevin basically agreed the new one didn't work either; but after more effort, and my tweezers, they managed to open the old one and extract the paper. We have TV again! And a promise from Jemima not to post anything else in the slot...
Afternoon: some washing; a bike ride for Jemima and Kevin; a cup of tea in the sun for me; dinner; and some Game of Thrones on our TV again, hurrah!
It's been lovely staying in one place for a few days; and it's been lovely having a peaceful day.



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