It's been a straightforward first day of driving so far, (although even easier for me to say that as I wasn't driving - thank you for all your hard work Kevin...). But we've made good progress, and even have a vague route worked out. And unlike our first night on the last trip, nothing major has gone wrong (although there were a few anxious moments when we couldn't remember how to restart the gas).
It is still lovely to be back in Beatrix - I feel very happy (notwithstanding our setting - with the blinds up, you could be anywhere...); and even enjoyed doing the washing up in our tiny sink.

And tomorrow we're going to find the snow.
Reading on the eurotunnel crossing:
Our resting place (you can a see a car transporter whizzing past on the other side of the wall):
Horringer to Mont-de-Billy:
Wow! So far already! xx