But two small divergences: I had a wonderful yoga class first thing (one to one, as no-one else turned up, which was great for me); and we did manage to get Jemima to nap, so Kevin and I had a lovely afternoon lounge in our room rather than the spa (book 1 of Inspector Montalbano for me, continuing my foray into Italian/ Sicilian books of different eras; Boardwalk Empire for Kevin). This allowed Jemima (and us) a slightly more leisurely dinner without her falling asleep at the table (excellent pizza for Jemima and I; spectacular salt-baked cod for Kevin).
Tomorrow, both the good weather and Beatrix are making a come back. So, after this lazy, food-filled hiatus, the adventure will continue. Bring it on.
Congratulations to the Bull family on the arrival of baby Jesse!:

Jemima driving the golf buggy in the rain:

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