Then family rest time, during which Kevin did the washing up, and there was more Cicero for me (I've nearly finished the final book, I will be bereft...); followed by a bike ride along the coast, and a gelato stop. Then, when we got back to the campsite, our neighbours, two girls, six and three, were back from their day out. Jemima was very excited, and I offered to take them all to the campsite playground, which was designed as a pirate ship. They were Swiss German, without a word of English, but that didn't stop Jemima: "come, little girls, come here!". We managed to find a common ground of sign language plus my few words of German, and soon were pretending to be sea gulls, and fish, and swimming in the sea, and being rescued from the pirate ship in a storm. Lots of fun. Then off to the campsite restaurant for pizza, and home to bed.
There is so much togetherness in the motorhome life, and the days can so easily slip by, just enjoying playing, eating, reading, and generally enjoying a quiet life. It's lovely.
A busy morning:

The chef at work:


Jemima and Meven (6) and Louan (3):

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