And then we'd arrived. All I could think, through the renewed jet lag haze, was how VERY FAR from home we were. But it felt
peaceful (and empty) in comparison with Hong Kong, with a distinct Pacific feel - lovely swirling, bright patterns everywhere; and that, plus the open friendliness of the New Zealanders, was somehow reassuring - even despite the stringent biohazard screening (to make sure we weren't somehow bringing pests in the country).
We found our ride into town, and Jemima chatted happily as we drove through pretty suburbs of clapboard houses, blue agapanthus matching the blue sky, finishing at the Central Business District, and our Aparthotel. After settling in, Jemima and I were hungry so we ventured out to find lunch (or whatever meal our confused stomachs were asking for).
We emerged from the hotel on a busy shopping street, with a notably high proportion of outdoors-y shops alongside the usual. We found a table outside what I later discovered was Auckland's oldest pub, from 1865. It was glorious to feel warmth, although it was a bit chilly when the wind blew; and Jemima and I had a jolly time, despite the tiredness. Then back to the room for a little rest before we all went out for a wander in the late afternoon sun.
At the end of the shopping street was one of the two harbours, with commuters queuing for their ferries home (what a nice way to do it). We had a lovely walk, and ended up in a pretty place with a view of the super yachts, eating amazing fried fishy snacks (salt and pepper squid, prawn skewers) with local Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc for me - even the jet lag couldn't cast a shadow on this. And so far everyone in NZ had been so nice - not fake, "have a nice day" nice, but genuinely friendly - the waitress brought over a snapdragon flower head to show Jemima how to make it snap. Then a final walk past the major Auckland landmark, the Sky Tower; a pit stop in the local supermarket for me (I love a foreign supermarket, you can learn so much about local life - and I got organic milk and plain Greek yoghurt, so that made me happy); and then back home, all hopefully tired enough to sleep well.
Jemima enjoying dinner on the plane:
Harbour-side pit stop:
First sight of the Sky Tower:
Flight from Hong Kong to Auckland, New Zealand, the drive into the centre of town:
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