Sunday, 15 January 2017

Off to the airport

And so farewell to Hong Kong. It's been fun, I've progressed to not only soy sauce but chilli paste with my breakfast dim sum; but we're ready to start on the next phase. A bit of packing; another trip to Kids Zone (a great Jemima-friendly way to spend an hour or so - it makes up for the boring sightseeing she has to endure some of the rest of the time); and a spot of lunch in the Wonderful World of Whampoa Gourmet Garden (pizza for Jemima, salad for us); and then it was taxi time to the airport. Which turned out to to be a humungous high-end shopping mall, even more so than usual for an airport, and entirely in keeping with our experience of Hong Kong so far.

Some final Hong Kong observations:

- nearly everyone wears trainers;

- the public transport is amazing, and cheap, and that plus (some of) the food are the only cheap things here; 

- and finally, it can feel very foreign, with Chinese characters everywhere, and not many western faces; but because of the prevalence of English, on signs and spoken, it also feels very easy to navigate. Even the road signs are in the famous UK Highways Agency-approved font.

Next up, New Zealand! And hopefully some sun! And of course, the return of the jet lag (another five hours time difference to adjust to). 

PS you may have noticed in the photos some repetition in our outfits while in Hong Kong. We did not expect much chilly weather this trip, so rationed our packing to one jumper each. As you can tell, these have been well-used (Jemima's in particular is pretty grubby now). Another thing New Zealand will bring us is the opportunity for a more varied wardrobe, and a laundrette...

More fun in Kids Zone:



Wedding parties in our hotel (we very much enjoyed watching the staging of the photos):



A regatta from our window:


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