Our last day in the resort of Costão do Santinho, and on the island of Florianopolis, and “todo bem”, or “all is good” (a universal Portuguese phrase, used - as far as I can see - as greeting, question, farewell…).
Things we haven’t done: anything energetic, leave the resort at all…
But things we have done:
- Kevin and I had our free spa treatment - a session at the water stations - different water massage jets (one so painful I couldn’t use it, the others very effective)
- Jemima had her first massage (while we were in the water stations) - a bit ticklish apparently
- We did the washing at an amazingly efficient and modern place in the downtown area, which is also amazingly modern. So lovely have crisp, clean-smelling clothes!
- I bought some actual Brazilian Havaiana flip flops (and replaced my bikini, which, it turns out, didn’t make it out of Uruguay, like Jemima’s pyjamas…)
- Jemima’s done some maths, and read 4 long books
- And we’ve enjoyed the resort: eaten in all the restaurants, swum in the sea, walked on the beach, had a caipirinha at the swim-up bar, and Jemima has eaten a LOT of ice cream
- We’ve even done parents’ evening (afternoon for us) - from our hotel room.
Most of all, we’ve relaxed and enjoyed ourselves! (And tried to get over a rather annoying cough for Kevin, and cold for me - I’ve got through a LOT of tissues…)
We are leaving feeling much fonder of the resort than that challenging first day. And one of the main reasons (apart from the reliably lovely weather and good food), is because of the staff: unfailingly helpful, polite and smiley, even when we’ve only been able to communicate with thumbs ups, as with the two maintenance men who came to fix our air conditioning.
And that’s been true of the guests too: I know it’s a holiday resort so people are more likely to be happy, but there has been a general air of joie de vivre, colourfulness and positivity around the place, with people proactively enjoying themselves with their families.
If that’s Brazil, I like it.
And now it’s time for the trip’s grand finale: Rio!
PS all of the post photos (from Atacama) are now up-to-date.
The pits where they cook Kevin’s favourite barbacoa:
Lunchtime (on strike against smiling for photos):
Me doing it properly:
The fattest lizard I’ve ever seen scrounging for food (palm hearts, tomatoes and prawns seemed to go down well):
Jemima at her favourite ice cream station:
Sea swim (chilly and wavy, but very fun!):
Swim-up bar!:
Our most active activity:
It’s hard to take it all in in writing. It must be amazing to experience live. Enjoy the finale and come back safely.
ReplyDeleteThank you! It has been wonderful. Last few days to go! 😎 xx