Sunday 15 November 2015

Off to hostiple*

The man at reception helpfully got us a taxi this morning, and off to Granada Clinica we went. I had google translated and tried to memorise key phrases (un dolor muy fuerte en el codo, es un biceps ligamento roto etc), and was soon trotting these out for the grumpy lady at reception (especially grumpy that we'd forgotten our E111 cards which I was also annoyed by, having managed to organise getting them in time before we left). Then off to the Sala de Espera to wait to be called.

It wasn't long - a quick visit to a triage nurse (same phrases), then in to see a kindly, experienced-looking doctor - with zero English, who spoke very high speed Spanish. But we got the story across, he moved Kevin's arm about, and sent us for an X Ray. Straight there, 5 minutes wait outside, then back to his consulting room and 15 minutes later we were hearing the results. It was all amazingly efficient. And the good news: he prescribed a sling, rest, and heavy duty ibuprofen for what he diagnosed as a sprain. The bad news, we're still not entirely sure whether the ligament has been entirely torn, which could necessitate an operation. But in the short term, Kevin isn't in much pain anymore thanks to the sling and painkillers; it means a few days longer in Granada, which isn't too much of a hardship; and we don't have to come home early. As Kevin keeps saying, it could all be much worse.

Somewhat relieved, if still not entirely clear, we went for lunch at an American diner down the road from the campsite, then back to Beatrix for a quiet afternoon and evening. And I opened the wine at 6pm. Looking forward to an early night before our Alhambra trip tomorrow.

*Jemima doesn't normally have trouble pronouncing words, but she struggled with "hospital". And when she realised we found it funny, she stopped saying it and said "doctors" instead...

In the waiting room, Kevin with his green Patient sticker, Jemima with her (my) orange Accompanier sticker:

Waiting for Daddy to have his X Ray:

Kevin in his sling:

In La Zubia, a village just south of Granada:


  1. Can't believe the Dr didn't spot the problem, he's got a button lodged in his arm.

  2. Can't believe the Dr didn't spot the problem, he's got a button lodged in his arm.
