Sunday 8 November 2015

Taking the rough with the smooth

"Are we going on an adventure in Spain?" Jemima asked as we set off from the campsite this morning. Yes my darling, that's the plan. And it was great to be on the road again. But first, a fairly dismal drive through Torrevieja, the only positive aspect of which was a lovely promenade along the sea front of what is otherwise a pretty hideous town. But then open space, green hills, fields, and a sigh of relief. 

Lunch was a stop in the salt marshes: in the production areas, piles of salt iceberg high, like snowy mountains, sparkling and pristine; in the marshes, pink flamingoes, green parakeets and black and white wading birds with long orange legs (oystercatchers?). We decided on a spontaneous bike ride. It started well: scenic, smooth-surfaced and flat, my ideal. Then... Gentleman that he is, Kevin goes in front to warn of potholes or kerbs; but today, as we headed off-road near the port, Kevin sounded a different warning: mosquitos! The air was thick with them, swarming all over us. Jemima and I turned round sharpish and escaped unscathed but poor Kevin was eaten badly. 

On again, and the conundrum of dinner and a sleeping place. After a drive around a resort in the Mar Menor area, which Kevin remembered from a previous visit (and had nearly bought a house in, like so many places in Spain), we thought about finding a nice restaurant and staying in their car park. Our first idea: closed for a Sunday. Our second: the same. But finally, we found a pretty little square with (open!) restaurants around it. With such a choice, it was Chinese for a change. Lovely service (the Chinese lady owner was very sweet about being given the full low down on the Bing characters); lovely food (Jemima is keen on crispy duck). And an overnight stopping place in a car park down the road - a bit noisy, but it will do. All part of the adventure, Jemima.

Lunch while bird-watching:

A bike ride by the salt flats (the big piles were house-sized but we didn't get a picture sadly):


La Marina to Los Belones:

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