Wednesday 21 October 2015

Spanish time

We never bothered adjusting to the continental hour ahead. It was easier to just wake up and go to bed an hour later - it is holiday after all. It worked brilliantly in France, especially because the sun comes up so late - and it seems motorhomers do too, we've been surprised by the lack of activity before about 10am (which suits us fine). But that isn't sufficient for Spain - lunch at 2pm, dinner at 9pm is the tempo here. So we've started to join in. A late dinner last night, a late lunch and dinner today, a siesta for Jemima and I - I do love a nap, so it's all good so far. 

Lunch was by the marina, after our first proper morning on the beach. It was still windy but the sun was warm, and we found a sheltered spot in front of the sailing school hut for our sandcastles. Then our first proper tapas, yum. It's been a day of firsts actually: first morning yoga without my woolly hat (it's definitely getting warmer); my first shower in Beatrix that was hot all the way through (I've finally worked out the hot water); and Jemima's first Toy Story viewing (we thought of you Georgie!). And a big first tomorrow: our first ever birthday in Beatrix...

Windy sandcastles:

Still in Roses (where it turns out my dad came for a family holiday when he was 14!):

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the blog!! Sounds like you are having a fantastic time. Looking forward to reading more. Have fun!! x
