Friday, 20 November 2015

Esteponan amble

This morning we had a Costa del Sol favourite: the full English breakfast. The cafe with the friendly German/ English owners was advertising it, we noticed yesterday, and the idea took hold... Jemima loved her sausage and beans. Then we had a walk along the Estepona seafront, to explore the town beyond the marina and El Cristo beach (poor Kevin's arm means no more bike rides for now...). 

Another lovely paved promenade, through the active looking (and smelling) fishing area, and alongside the main town beach, 2km long. It included a long area of playpark: Spanish children about the same age, lots of slides and swings and pretend buses and bouncy sprung animals and see-saws - Jemima was in heaven. Then she napped on the way back, so Kevin and I took the opportunity for a quiet drink at the marina with a view of the boats. Then back to Beatrix for another trip to the beach.

It was hot today, hotter than yesterday, and the sea was completely flat and completely clear. During my swim I could see fish beneath me, and when I stopped they hung around my feet, looking curious and unafraid. And the very nice couple from yesterday were there - and more importantly, so was three year old Holly. She and Jemima had a lot of fun again, it was great to see them playing. 

By early evening the chill was starting to set in, so we parted - them to their apartment above the friendly cafe, us to a local campsite (after two nights wild camping, we need a motorhome servicing stop). Dinner in the van - pasta with cheese and artichoke, a new staple - and bed. And back to the beach and more fun with Holly tomorrow. Putting off the inevitable return, enjoying the sunshine for as long as possible.

Sunrise over the marina (from our car park night spot):

The main beach and promenade:

Marina view:

More beach fun:


  1. I think that may have been my last sea swim this trip sadly! At least it was a good one...
