Wednesday, 11 November 2015

La Isleta bonita

I nearly got a sunburnt arm today. I thought I'd better start with the worst thing that happened because the rest is sickeningly good. Sorry.

The day started well with a beautiful sunrise over the sea, and a (mostly) hot shower. Then off into the Cabo de Gata national park, along one of the best roads we've had - Kevin wished he had one of his cars to enjoy the perfect tarmac and sweeping bends, but we both enjoyed the spectacular views: a rugged, deserted coastline with the road curving through it, and a blindingly shiny sea. Inland, the landscape was arid but dramatic and largely deserted. We explored a few little villages, all very picturesque with the predominant architecture around here of white, low, straight-lined houses - like the modern developments they call "Ibiza style" on the billboards, but not modern. (By "exploring", include me suggesting taking what turned into a very narrow road lined that was somewhat interesting to negotiate in Beatrix, but we emerged unscathed.) And then we found our destination for the day: a tiny fishing village called La Isleta.

Growing up, my family went on sailing holidays to Greece. I have very happy memories of little hamlets by the sea, with boats in the bay and one restaurant right on the water. This was as if I had gone back 25 years. Even the immaculately clear water was the same - so good that Jemima and Kevin came in for their first swim, after some family fun times in the hot sun on the beach.

Then lunch, a table shaded by an umbrella right on the water, with the sound of the waves breaking at our feet accompanying the view over the bay to the mountains beyond. Grilled squid, prawns with salt and lemon, fried red mullet, salad and chips with a bottle of white wine, followed by a cornetto (I used my new favourite word, cucurucho) - Jemima had one, and it was so good Kevin and I had to join in. (This was where I nearly burned my right arm, but swapped seats with Kevin just in time...)

The afternoon: an amble 20 metres back to the beach, and two treats for me: a beach blanket snooze while Kevin and Jemima made shingle volcanoes (sandcastles not being an option on this beach, its only flaw); followed by a cup of tea brought to me by my husband to accompany the sunset. And back to our home, waiting in the village car park overlooking the sea.

The kind of day we dreamed we might have when we set off on our adventure. Thank you Beatrix.

Sunrise through the roof:


La Isleta:

Torre del Pirulico to La Isleta (again, we took the coast road...):

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