Saturday, 31 October 2015

Another difficult day

I was falling asleep when I wrote my blog last night - Kevin had already crashed out. Too much fun at the campsite restaurant with Ken and his guitar (aided by the free grappa). But sleep was cruelly disturbed some hours later by some VERY LOUD house music. In my sleep-befuddled state, I first thought the campsite party had really gone up a gear. But then I realised it was more likely to be Javea's nightclub, sadly very local. And these locals, they know how to party - it didn't shut down until 4am (I am getting old, that used to be me...) But we all arose cheerful, if not fully rested, and set about another day of enjoying ourselves. 

The sun was shining; Dad went on a croissant run; Kevin and I had a civilised breakfast outside while Jemima kept the grandparents busy; and then it was off to the beach again. Pretty much like yesterday, but slightly cloudier, and with more of a game called 'catch the fish' for Jemima and Granny - we could hear squeals of laughter and cries of 'more!'; and Kevin and I (especially I), slightly more competent with the bat and ball. Lunch on the boardwalk, and a rest: for Kevin some peaceful sunbathing on the beach; and for everyone else, a lie down back at the ranch. Then a gender split: the rugby World Cup final for the boys; and bubbles at the van then shopping for dinner for the girls. And another lovely evening, tapas and salads, this time hosted by the grandparents in the bungalow, with Jemima in her proper Halloween outfit. It's hard to see how you could get tired of this life. (Although another night of Javea's youth living it up until the small hours is going to wear a little thin...)

A peaceful morning:

Catch the fish:

Drinking ice cream:

Bubbles on the boardwalk:

Jemima not sure about her Halloween treat:

Still in Javea:

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